Women Motor Boot Camp

A women-only event where you will try these activities:
- Truck driving
- Car with trailer driving
- Motorbike training
- Motorbike test ride
- Motorbike safe driving course
- Car Drift course
- Soldering course
- Self-defence course
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Car tyre change course
- Talks and workshops with special guests
Liguria in Moto
Autoscuola Macciò started a close partnership with Federmoto instructors belonging to “Liguria in Moto”, road branch of M.C. “La Guardia”, providing technical and logistic support.
We make available our classroom for theory course, the square for low-speed handling exercises, and all the students that do not own one, can use the school motorbike and technical clothes.
Our partnership involves also making scooter drivers aware, with yearly urban driving courses, in order to reduce drastically the accidents in urban driving.

Genoa Local Police
Our driving school in the year 2024 was chosen by the Municipal Administration of Genoa to hold Safe Driving Courses for over 100 local police officers at the Castelletto di Branduzzo motor racing track.